While each specialist seemed to temporarily relieve the pain, nothing lasted. All the while I kept up a moderated regular yoga and strength training practice, swam often and practiced meditation to help with pain management. However, as the pain lingered on and on in my life I started to feel intuitively that the source was very deep, just as the pain had launched itself very deeply into my muscles, tissues, and fascia and was not releasing, despite the continuous efforts I was making to gain a state of homeostasis back in my body. Enter Colette. In just one session Colette quickly and effectively identified the root causes of such lengthy pain in my body and immediately cleared 90% of it away. Her highly attuned intuitive gifts zoomed in on long standing blocks in my psyche, allowing for an incredible scope and breadth of healing. I hope more people discover and choose Colette first in their journey of healing, rather than after years and years of unnecessary pain, frustration, and cost, as was my experience. We are all meant to live our lives in wholeness. Anything short of that is denying ourselves our birthright. Thanks Colette, for sharing your extraordinary healing skills with us all