Results Are The Language Of The Universe…



Hi Colette! Your work HAS helped me, and I am ever grateful! Since listening to your work offered on Sheila Gale’s show 7/19, a dull pain under my right shoulder blade is now completely gone. The pain was evident for 28 years. Have tried MANY modalities over the years… none were successful until I found you! My love an MANY Blessings.”

Cynthia Stead

Hello Colette,

Thank you for what you’ve done for Jacob my son, myself and truly the whole family. There aren’t words to express the depth of gratitude. When my first-born child Jacob started to show signs of some major struggles I was in denial and desperate to fix things We soon came to find out that he was to be diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, a language based learning disability and opposition defiant disorder. I was devastated and wanted nothing more than for my son to not be living in a state of complete torture every day.

“It’s the hugest gift that anyone could have ever given us. The energy clearing that Colette did has been so profound that I have been her student for the last four years and have loved learning how to shift energy proficiently and effectively from the person who basically saved my son’s life from complete suffering. Thank you so much Colette. I love you with all my heart. Jacob, Geoff my husband, our little girl Alyssa and I will always be filled with gratitude.”

Love always, Nicole Short Vancouver, BC

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Nicole Short Vancouver
Hello Colette, Thank you for the wonderful, insightful session that I had with you a couple weeks ago. It really moved me forward and boosted my respect for myself. Thank you for your kindness, wisdom, and compassion. I admire you greatly. Warm regards”

Marie Holmes, Paris

Marie Holmes

I listened to Colette on the Sheila show and knew that I wanted her to work with me. I have never listened live to the show but on this day I knew I needed to. I have lived in Shaghai for the past year and a half, and for a year of that I have had extreme allergies and asthma (the medical diagnosis). Having spent more time ill than well here and with the ill episodes getting longer it was difficult for me to get strong and healthy between so that when I connected with Colette on the Sheila show I was quite weak, weary and suffering from not being able to breathe well. Also because I was so weak, I was not able to walk for more than a few steps at a time. Colette worked with me on the show and set the ball rolling.

Deborah Wheimer, Shahai China

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Deborah Wheimer

I am a fifty-one year old woman with a medical history of scoliosis surgery at age 13 and stomach problems from years of anti-inflammatory medications. I was having minor problems on and off as far back as 2010 and was on a high dose of prescription acid reducers.

“In the fall of 2013, I was admitted to the Emergency department of the hospital for very bad nausea, vomiting, stomach spasms, heart palpitations, shivering, shaking, anxiety and exhaustion. My minor problems became major ones with numerous all night Emergency room visits, vast amounts of medications at various dosages, ranging from high to exceptionally high, a thirty pound weight loss, leaving me at a whopping 105 pounds. I was pricked with needles, scanned, x-rayed, probed with cameras and underwent countless procedures, blood tests and lab work. After exhausting myself with the medical system, I was still very sick, and yet, had no answers as to why or what was wrong or how I could feel better.

“I started having sessions with Colette in the summer of 2014, and so ended my emergency room visits. I am happy to report that I am off all medications and manage to keep everything I eat down. My energy is coming back and I have even started to gain a little weight. I am looking forward to continued improvements to my health and vitality. Thank you so much for being there for me when everyone else was saying, ‘Sorry, we can’t do anything more for you.

Cindy Leigh Yelland, Kelowna,BC

I had been experiencing debilitating pain from my pelvis to my neck over a span of 6 years prior to discovering Colette. In a determined effort to bring my body back into a healthy, pain-free state I sought the care and professional guidance of many medical doctors, TCM doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, RMTs, physiotherapists, sports therapists, and osteopaths.

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Cindy Leigh Yelland
Hope you had a great Christmas! I am really enjoying your tele-seminar! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to listen last week live and won’t be able to listen tomorrow but I am getting some serious results and I love listening to the recordings. Even though I haven’t been on the calls live for two weeks I am definitely experiencing the shift regardless. I swear Colette! It is blowing my mind! I’ve noticed my body tighter and firmer and I haven’t put on any weight over the holidays yet! I have been eating what is in front of me. LOL! There are times where I have just stopped getting dressed and thought, ‘why is my body feeling so good!’ and then I giggle and think to myself ‘its Colette’s teleseminar!’ So grateful to have found you! I hope you continue these sessions in the future! Thanks Again!

D.P. Canada


Hi Colette, I wanted to say thank you for the amazing work you do. I love the Telespa! My whole body looks and feels slimmer. It looks like I workout but all I have been doing is putting tension in my body . Thank you.

Tracy Argitos

The changes I am experiencing are absolutely fabulous! My body shape is changing and I have more energy than I have had in a very long time. I am even dropping weight which is an extra bonus.

I went to do some shopping … habits are interesting, because I purchased what normally would only to find that what I purchased was too big. Shrunk the and now they all fit. I got a good chuckle out of the process. I now have to learn to try things on… I’m at that place and looking very forward to reaching the goal that I have set for myself.” Thank you for all the corrections!”

Cindy Halcrow BC Canada

Cindy Halcrow

My twin pregnancy was diagnosed as monoamniotic monochorionic around 12 weeks. This is a very high risk pregnancy with a 50% chance of survival until the babies reach viability. This diagnosis was completely devastating for my husband and me.

“Colette worked on the babies, on me, and on my husband. She made the babies and me stronger to each other, made me strong to my new role as a mother, and, most importantly, taught me not to worry about the pregnancy. One of the most powerful things she said to me was, “If a mother cannot see a bright future for her children, then who can?”

Laura Mack, Regina,Saskatchewan

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Laura Mack
I was going through a terrible divorce, my estranged husband was trying to force me to sell my home, that I paid for, he did not … and wanted everything sold and split 50/50. Each time we would get to court, it would come time to go put money in the parking meters for our vehicles, and he would get into his, and drive off, postponing the proceedings again. This went on for four years. There was no negotiating with him, it was to be all his way, or no way. I was out of money, out of ideas and didn’t know what to do. Then I thought of Colette and her energy work.
Love Marion, Spring Festival Of Awareness

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Dear Colette, Thank you for working with me and helping me on the Joy Radio show just a short while ago. I do feel clearer, lighter, more positive in the belief that I can be healed of this PTSD. I will book a private session with you, so that we can go into the core of this much deeper. I will be on the Tele-Call tonight too. Again, I thank you so much, for connecting with me and helping me. I feel very blessed, as I thought I would get to listen, but received so much more as we connected. Til tonight, Much Appreciation, gratitude and love.”

Era A, Ontario

Era A

Before I started working with Colette I couldn’t move out of a dance level called Novice and the dance Slip Jig was the problem. I couldn’t get a first place in that dance. I had gone to many dance compositions but I couldn’t do it and when I did it I didn’t feel alive my energy was low and I wasn’t enjoying myself, then my mom introduced me to Colette on a phone conversation. As the session went on I started feeling a some what of a ‘click’ also my body was basically telling me this is what is going to help. I also felt many changes in my body, also I could connect myself to my body.
Shea Betten (11years told) New York

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Shea Betten

Running competitively has been difficult for the past four years or so. I have had many negative experiences with coaches, other athletes, and injuries which all had a major effect on me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Being a successful runner at a young age, and battling these negative experiences led to me having less confidence and constantly questioning my abilities in a competitive setting. I love running and competing, and I could never give up on myself. However, I lost the joy of running. I lost my edge and my competitive side, and I did not know how to get it back.

“Colette first worked on me this past Christmas. I immediately realized the difference in the way I thought about running. There were no negative feelings associated with running. I would go out for a run and enjoy myself; I would go to practice and be excited and ready to go! This is something I have not felt in years, and it felt amazing!
Karissa Lepage, Regina, Sask

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Karissa Lepage
“When I first met Colette, I was dealing with a nerve injury that caused me to lose the use of and feeling in most of my right hand. Initially, I thought she was absolutely crazy and did not believe that someone could energetically heal my hand. Dozens of doctors had told me that this would be a lifelong injury and that I would forever suffer from chronic regional pain syndrome. Colette began to work on me and cleared energetic blocks; our first session felt more like a visit with an old friend than an appointment to fix my hand. By the end of that first hour, I felt tingling in my fingers. Colette continued to work on me, and shortly before the birth of my twin daughters I regained the full use of my hand. I cannot imagine how it would feel to not be able to hold my baby girls, and thanks to Colette I don’t have to. Colette’s work gave me my life back: I can now do things that I never thought were possible.”

Mike B. Regina, Sask

Mike B. Regina
Thank you Sheila for introducing me to Colette. I received more than one marvelous healing from this call tonight. I am a 3rd generation meta physician, my mentors are notable and many over the years. I have trained and have enough certifications to wall-paper a pretty good sized wall. I have had great success in facilitating healing for others however until tonight I have never experienced an instantaneous healing for myself.
“For the first time in my life I am able to stand, sit and walk straight. I hesitated to write even so until today, 2 days later and after visiting my Chiropractor to share my joy and yes, to have him verify that my body has indeed changed physically. I have tried to keep this to as few words as possible, I could go on and on with great gobs of joy and do so with everyone I encounter but words cannot explain what I am feeling ,knowing and being now. Please feel free to use this testimonial in all or part. In Love, light, grace, ease, joy and unlimited gratitude.”

Caller on Sheila Radio Sho, USA

Caller on Sheila

Hi Colette, I just wanted to say thank you for an incredible weekend! The shifts I experienced are beyond words! Not only do I feel NO emotional charge about my past relationship. I think I’ve dropped like 5 lbs since Saturday. I put on a skirt I bought a week ago and it’s loose in the waist now! I was carrying a lot of stuff from that relationship and I FINALLY feel free. I’ve done so much healing work over the past two years and none of it compares to the instant shift I experienced this weekend.

You are a great teacher and I appreciate you sharing yourself wholeheartedly with us all weekend!

There once was a girl from a land far, far away who spent many eons swinging back and forth on a pendulum. She swung between many extremes and situations that hurt her. As the years went on, the chains of the pendulum began to suffocate her and she was more and more entangled in challenges that were well-disguised possibilities. She endured many things, learnt many lessons and, after sitting in her hospital bed for three days decided, enough was enough. She felt the wear and tear of the pendulum, and felt suffocated by the chains. She was aware of a Wise Woman that lived in Dragon Land, and she felt the urge to connect with this woman, a ladybug led her to the right place.

One session later, the girl knew this was the way to connect back to herself and to Source. Session by session, the chains loosened. Soon, the girl was beginning to breathe normally, and speak without fear, she made eye contact and did not shy away from conversation. She stopped acting as if she were a mistake on this planet, everything would unfold beautifully. As the chains began to fall away, the pendulum began to stabilize, her worries cleared, a new life unfolded. Fast-forward three years and the girl is a Dragon Sayer, one of twenty prestigious people that represent the Wise Woman and the Dra

Andrea Dupuis



Hi Colette, I just wanted to say thank you for an incredible weekend! The shifts I experienced are beyond words! Not only do I feel NO emotional charge about my past relationship. I think I’ve dropped like 5 lbs since Saturday. I put on a skirt I bought a week ago and it’s loose in the waist now! I was carrying a lot of stuff from that relationship and I FINALLY feel free. I’ve done so much healing work over the past two years and none of it compares to the instant shift I experienced this weekend.
“You are a great teacher and I appreciate you sharing yourself wholeheartedly with us all weekend!
Andrea Dupuis, Leaders To Luminary, Your Content Goes Here
There once was a girl from a land far, far away who spent many eons swinging back and forth on a pendulum. She swung between many extremes and situations that hurt her. As the years went on, the chains of the pendulum began to suffocate her and she was more and more entangled in challenges that were well-disguised possibilities. She endured many things, learnt many lessons and, after sitting in her hospital bed for three days decided, enough was enough. She felt the wear and tear of the pendulum, and felt suffocated by the chains. She was aware of a Wise Woman that lived in Dragon Land, and she felt the urge to connect with this woman, a ladybug led her to the right place.
One session later, the girl knew this was the way to connect back to herself and to Source. Session by session, the chains loosened. Soon, the girl was beginning to breathe normally, and speak without fear, she made eye contact and did not shy away from conversation. She stopped acting as if she were a mistake on this planet, everything would unfold beautifully. As the chains began to fall away, the pendulum began to stabilize, her worries cleared, a new life unfolded. Fast-forward three years and the girl is a Dragon Sayer, one of twenty prestigious people that represent the Wise Woman and the Dragons. The girl is Shape Shifter and her career has sky rocketed, she is a found jewel in every relationship and is living her best life. Colette, you are so loved and appreciated for what you do, thank you Wise Woman!
Love, Ulyth Memezes Vancouver BC
Colette and her dragons have transformed my life in a way that words cannot explain So blessed to have attended the seminars layer one threw layer four and looking forward to more layers.They have been so amazing and fun.Working threw my shift to a whole new level.Who would of thought it could be so much fun:) Such an honour to be king of shift! Thank you so much Colette xoxo
Feroz Hassan, Nelson BC
Call To Dance Seminars are great for learning energy shifting skills and how to hone those skills in a fun and safe environment with like minded people. I have learned a lot and made some amazing life long friends. If you want to learn how you can answer any question to any problem in any situation then these seminars are for you.
CindyLee Yelland, Kelowna BC
Taking Colette’s classes and working with her through teleconferences and radio shows has allowed me to improve my own life, and the lives of my family, friends and clients. The best part is now some of those friends have also taken her classes and we work together to improve the lives of their family, friends etc. I am in my 60’s, and I started my first diet when I was a teenage. I have tried many many diets through my life. Energy work has allowed me to release the false programming around food, and with Colette’s classes, Bee Irresistible and Float Your Boat calls I now enjoy food and fitness! Several years ago, Colette was instrumental in finding an alternate doctor to perform brain surgery on my daughter. And recently when I picked up my mail I noticed a license plate AHO. The name of the last painting in Colette’s Oracle deck is AHO, meaning Neutrality. Her dragons were having a little fun pointing out that if one stays neutral, its easier to receive! In the mail that day was news I was to receive money I was not expecting! Thank you Colette!
Janet Mackie, Kelowna BC
Colette is an amazing and fun teacher! She is the Queen of Shift and her passion to enable others to find their abilities to work with energy comes out loud and proud! She does this with lots of zest and humour!

Want to learn how to shift energy, for yourself and others? Done!
Want to learn how to be strong to being a better version of yourself? Done!
Want to do that in a safe and supported environment? Done!
Want to do that with humour and a lightness of being? Done!

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend any of her seminars to anyone wanting to navigate the exciting world of energy work.

I thank Colette for all she’s taught me and look forward to learning and receiving more!

Mary Rusch, Kelowna BC
* I have so enjoyed taking all four Call to Dance seminars.
Colette has empowered me with many issues over the years, for instance a lifetime of severe depression, anxiety and fear. She has helped me when no one else could. Finding out that a lot of physical pain such as sore backs, shoulders, headaches, etc. have underlying causes that are not what you expect and once the real reason is cleared the pain lessens or goes away was a a bit relief!
Colette and the information she shares has empowered me to overcome childhood trauma, domestic abuse, verbal abuse in the work place, depression suicidal thoughts and feelings. After taking Colette’s Call To Dance seminars I am able to shift myself and others.
Tricia Bates, Penticton BC

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Tricia Bates, Penticton BC
* I have every certainty that the Amazing Colette Marie Stefan is tuned in to the Higher Self Network!”

Colette’s passionate, purposeful dedication to share and serve others with her Knowledge and transcendent experiences speak directly to the Heart of Matter.

With Colette’s strong support and guidance I have gained access to a skill set which aligns me with my Heart’s Wisdom and Happiness.

I must add, most significantly, I have forged genuine bonds of friendship and trust throughout all this Awesome Shift!

Thank You Colette and Teaming Dragons!

Rene Rome Donati, Kelowna BC



Several years ago Dr. Mehmet Oz proclaimed, ‘As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine.’ He forgot to mention that the next big ‘energy medicine’ frontier is here now and is brilliantly presented to us by Colette Marie Stefan in her epic book ‘The Truth is Funny.’

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Dr. Pat Baccili, host Dr. Pat Show Talk Radio To Thrive By!
There are only a few books or references that truly capture what is needed to enable a person to regain and remain in optimum wellness and vitality. This is my “new best friend” for information that benefits me and clients with whom I work.”

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LeRoy Malouf, author, founder of EWBP

It is very hard, to say something about something that is this brilliant other than: brilliant!

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Marc Kettenbach, author, co-founder Energetic Upgrade Seminars

“This book has the unique one two punch gift of powerful insight and humor to rocket the world beyond what any of us think is possible.
“Whether it’s illness, relationships or finance issues you are struggling with, this book is a bedside reference to shift you and support you to manifest your dreams into reality. A true gift to the world, both the book and the author.
Karen Campbell Betten, Founder of Intuitive Living New York

“Are you ready for a real transformation? Many books tell you about transformation and then you go away and wonder how you can bring that transformation into your life.

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Charan Surdhar, Epigeneticist UK
ACTION! Not lame commentaries, but a battle plan for action! Get ready to have the shift triggered out of you! Sometimes you will agree, sometimes it will be ‘what the?’ But, I guarantee you, Colette will get you thinking and challenge the shift out of some of our traditional ways of thinking – so get ready for the fast lane to ‘expansion’. It’s the perfect companion to experiencing Colette in person. Expect to be going back to the book time and again. Perhaps jot down some notes as you go through the manual. Then go back later and smile as you experience the ongoing shift in real-life!”
Richard Peterson. President, The Ice Lotus, Inc.

Reviews From Amazon

Five Out Of Five Stars!

From Canada

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Canada on October 17, 2015
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Colette Stefan has written beautifully from her heart sharing all of her wisdom and strength in a very powerful way.
This is an incredible book and a very powerful resource. If you’re interested in transformation, energy healing, are interested in knowing the truth about what’s actually going on this, this book will do it all. Colette Stefan has written beautifully from her heart sharing all of her wisdom and strength in a very powerful way. I have been in a state of inner transformation since reading this book, which has been propelled by the powerful information and energy within every word written. I would recommend this book to everyone.
Nicole Short

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Canada on September 5, 2015
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Easy to read and oh how I wish this could be taught to every child as they are growing up so it would be second nature to all.
A must read for everyone who would like to take charge of the quality of their life as opposed to sitting back and having life just happen. We can all have a magical and wonderful life following the guidelines set out in Colette’s book. Easy to read and oh how I wish this could be taught to every child as they are growing up so it would be second nature to all. Thanks Colette for such a valuable book filled with humour.
Doreen J. Werth

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Canada on December 24, 2015
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Life keeps getting better & better for me and my family because of the strength in this book!
I’m so grateful Colette took her time to write this book! Her ability to shift people into their true potential has been a gift to many! For her to share her talent and wisdom with the world is awesome! Thank you Colette for the beautiful light you are and sharing your work with us! Life keeps getting better & better for me and my family because of the strength in this book!

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Canada on October 1, 2015
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I found this book so unique! Words designed to move and shift your energy as you read as well as address the left brains desire to ‘Know’ how to do what is being done. Excellent! The kindle version allows you to reference by searching by word or phrase, and the written version allows one to just open to a page on a more intuitive level or if more visually inclined.
J Mack

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Canada on November 14, 2015
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Its a book that I will constantly go back too.
Highly Recommended !!

The book was very comprehensive and will trigger the shift out of you.
It was well written like an encyclopedia and is easy to read. Its a book that I will constantly go back too.
Highly Recommended !!

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Canada on August 23, 2020
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its a how-to manual to navigate your body, emotions and those situations that make zero sense.
This book is a life-changer and everyone needs to read it! its a how-to manual to navigate your body, emotions and those situations that make zero sense. Would recommend to loved ones.

From other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Germany on April 27, 2016
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Ich konnte es selbst erst nicht so richtig glauben, nach mehrmaligem durcharbeiten des Kapitels Allergien sind die Reaktionen langsam abgeklungen. Ein Test hat gezeigt, dass ich tatsächlich gegen die Pollen dieser Jahreszeit nicht mehr reagiere. Es braucht Geduld, etwas Zeit bzw. ein paar ruhige Minuten und von Vorteil ist etwas Vorwissen durch Seminare bei Colette und Marc. Eine Alternative? Die gibt es von Seiten der Schulmedizin, zumindest was Allergien betrifft, nicht. Das Kapitel zu Learning Dis- Abilities ist auch hochinteressant. Als Mutter und als ehemalige Schülerin. Dieses Buch ist so umfangreich und birgt so viel komprimiertes Wissen/ Erfahrung, es ist ein Schatz!!! Danke, Colette!!!

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2015
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Simple and yet life changing! A must for any one wanting change!
Colette’s book takes us so deep in to ourselves in the most simplest way. Explaining the simple principle of universal energy which is just two options as we are made from a binary code of zero’s and one’s. This book is a hand book and guide that brings colette’s lighting fast shifting to life in your home. This book is a must have for any energy worker, social worker, health worker, any medical intuitive, anyone looking out side the BOX to find the real truth and root cause of any issue. Not only that the she breaks the old reality of “The truth hurts” to “The truth is funny”. What a great book that brings back joy and happiness into life!!! 5 STARS!
Adam Khedori

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Germany on February 16, 2016
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Ein Wegbegleiter für das ganze Leben. Mehr kann man kaum von einem Buch erwarten. Es arbeitet von alleine, was es einem sehr leicht macht, auch wenn man kein perfektes Englisch spricht.
Karin Schaeppi

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2016
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A unique and transformative book that energises and inspires you!
Colette’s bright energy infuses every word and page of this unique book. It’s a pleasure to read and boosts my day. I would say it’s becomes a kind of reference book for me for energetic work, psychology and personal development. She cleverly weaves topics and involves the reader in the experience of this transformative book. I actively apply the techniques she outlines, and greatly benefit from this in transcending and surmounting life’s challenges.

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2015
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I love and totally recommend this amazing book
I love and totally recommend this amazing book. It is a very exciting resource, and endless source of inspiration. The whole book is packed with insight & knowing, uniquely presented in Colette’s brilliantly clear way. Every line carries energy. I find it powerful just to pick it up and turn to any page. And of course it’s impossible to open it without shifting like crazy. 😉

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Germany on September 29, 2015
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Endlich da
Ein toller Wegweiser um Schwächen im Körper zu eliminieren. Empfehlenswert sind Colettes u Marc Kettenbachs Energetic Upgrade Seminare. Dort lernt man, wie man das alles anwendet.

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in Germany
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Danke Colette für deinen Einsatz!
Ich bin begeisterte Anwenderin der YUEN-Methode und dieses Buch ist wirklich hilfreich und macht Spass!
Danke Colette für deinen Einsatz!

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2017
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Evolutionary Reading!
This book is amazing! Colette shifts and transforms your thoughts and perceptions from weak to strong. As she states in her book only when we are strong to our infinite potential will our lives truly change for the better..

5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2015
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Great book!
Great book. A golden nugget with lots of wisdom in it. It get’s you going in the Yuen Method in a very hands on way and lets you find your own weaknesses and delete them while reading. Just Love It!!!
Pablo Diaz