You Are A Blank Canvas!
Ready For An Energetic Upgrade?
Are you afraid of the dark?
You know. Those sleepless nights when you toss, turn, and wrestle with worries all night long?
You are not alone. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their infinite potential becausethey allow their “worries” to get in the way of their dreams.Most of those worries don’t even belong to them!
From childhood on, many of us accumulate self-limiting beliefs as we are indoctrinated in how we are “supposed to be” through mainstream educational and religious systems, parenting, cultures and other influences. These limiting beliefs can also come from our own personal experiences as well as from concerns associated with our ancestors’ experiences, projections into the future from our descendants, and even our potentialdescendants.
You cannot have light without dark or dark without light!
Your attitude, as you navigate troubled waters, plays a major factor in theoutcome of the ongoing tale of your life. Some people would like to have you think that there is a secret that you need to know, or that they have a special “gift.” You are a gift! We all are!
Information Equals Energy!
By connecting with thousands of people over the years, I realize there are definitive moments in every ones’ lives directing them to make soul decisions through what may seem like insignificant every-day choices; yet these very choices have a profound effect on the direction in which their lives will go.
Every person and every challenge you encounter is an opportunity to hone your reality steering skills using a combination of tools to build the life you want. Everything you see around you began as a thought that was brought into reality, using specific tools. Every person you meet and every event that happens is a bit of information, a tool that can be applied to benefit you in daily life.
The most brilliant, successful people shine so brightly because they face their dark thoughts head on to shift them into light.
I had and still have an inner drive to be the best version of me. My intention is to learn from people who have an equal or greater ability than I do and thereby attract circumstances to accelerate my intuitive insight.
You are unique so as a matter of course your journey will be different from my own. However, I have learned a thing or two, having worked with the best mentors and colleagues and shared experiences with thousands of clients and students, demo, and radio participants from around the world since 2005. It has been a blessing for me and a gift I am so pleased to share with you. A heartfelt thank you! I have learned from each and every one of you.
Why should you believe a word I say? The answer is… don’t!
Use your intuitive skills to come to your own conclusions. Follow your heart, put your intuition into practice, apply logic and the universe will take care of the rest.
VECTOR Personal Readings

Only God has the big picture and therefore the ability to predict the future and timing of events and the reasons why evil exists. Readings are an entertaining tool meant to consider a problem from a new perspective, empowering YOU to gain insight from the Higher Self Network to make strong choices leading to YOUR best version. YOU are a blank canvas.The interplay of cards in tarot/oracles indicates the trajectory of YOUR current path, offering advice and guidance for YOUR best outcome, not the path of others.
Personal readings are conducted similar to collective readings but using a smaller, more concise ‘clock’ spread. The first card in the oracle is placed in the centre, setting the tone of the reading (the leading weakness for the issue at hand).The rest of the cards in the oracle are dealt starting to the right at one o’clock and continue to twelve o’clock, which also represent the houses of the zodiac, providing insight into the state of being for each in all aspects of life. A second round of playing cards are dealt in the same fashion for further insight and then a third, with a tarot deck for clarity and confirmation. I am an intuitive reader and like to take my time studying the spread until I am ready to proceed with the recorded reading, generally 35 to 45 minutes.
Your video recording is audio only, with photos of your spread of oracle cards, playing cards and tarot cards. If you purchased an extended Poker or Scrabble version they will also be included. Look up the numbers of the cards from Tails From The Vector oracle and view the art in our gallery on the Home or Shop pages (click on the image so you can gain further knowledge and insight).Your personalized reading will be sent to you in divine timing, as soon as Colette’s schedule allows, to the email address you provide.
Black Jack Poker Extension
You can learn a lot about another person’s influence on you in a game of chance! How and what they are willing to gamble, their strategy, how they conduct themselves when they win and lose, and their ‘poker face’!
I am not a big fan of the energy at casinos and have only been, a handful of times, but I was raised in a family that loves to play games, especially with cards. Growing up, when we visited my grandparents my paternal grandfather would play ‘Black Jack’, with me, my siblings and cousins at the huge kitchen table. There was a lot of laughter and good natured ribbing, with tempers flaring now and again but grandpere ALWAYS won! He often would change the rules of the game as we went along and cleaned us all out of our nickels and dimes as he won the pot, round after round.Then he would take us all for a walk to the town store to purchase all the candy we could eat with his winnings. This was his way of teaching us about human nature in a fun way. Now, years later, I have a deep appreciation for all the valuable lessons and find it a fun way to extend a reading for more specific information from personal readings. (up to six players).
Scrabble Extension
If you would like further clarification regarding how certain players in your
life are influencing your path, the words they use speak volumes!
This is a fun way to extend a personal reading for more specific information
regarding people, places, thoughts and things. (up to four players).
@ CA$222.99 (INC TAXES).
@ CA$322.98 (INC TAXES)
@ CA$322.98 (INC TAXES)
Personal Consultations
I Love To Shoot The Shift
With You!
Tails From The Vector Oracle is
complete! I have shifted my
focus to collective readings on
my You Tube channel as well as
Personal Tarot/Oracle Readings.
Energetic Upgrade Personal
Consultations are not available
at this time.