Riders of the Storm
Riders of the Storm
There is a legend of seven maids who honored the Gods with glorious songs and the traditional rounds of dance. Following their death, God turned them into water nymphs, carrying them into the heavens and settling them upon the seven stars now known as the Pleiades where they continue to move time by dancing the rounds to this very day. The seven sisters of the Pleiades are masters, who ride the storm of change through the darkest clouds, lighting the cosmos with their Essence of Truth.
Every individual has vortices of energy in their etheric body (the subtle body closest to the physical body) that spin energy in from their astral body (the bridge between the physical plane and the spiritual plane) and beyond. The seven major body chakras are aligned along the vertical mid-line from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Like a radar dish in a research center, the chakras serve as memory banks, storing vast quantities of information from previous and current lifetimes, as well as possibilities in the future. You can think of them as rotating tetrahedrons that receive and radiate their own level of consciousness or sensations of awareness of energy, acting as transformers to specific points where there are nerve plexus or ganglia. The nerve centers that translate the vibrations received in the area are nerve responses that are experienced on a physical level. These responses are the re-actions people experience as feelings that have a direct influence on their daily lives, whether they acknowledge that influence or not.
INTUITIVE XXI DRACO ESTRELLA REGII SPECIOSA “GUIDING STAR” WILL HATCH SOON! ENERGY CLEARING SPECIALTY: Intuition. Feeling. Activation. HOW TO USE THIS CARD: Guiding Star, also affectionately known as “Star Of Wonder” and “Royal Beauty Bright,”
INSIGHT-FUL XX DRACO ESTRELLA OCULUS HORUS “ALL STAR” WILL HATCH SOON! ENERGY CLEARING SPECIALTY: Vision. Accuracy. Knowledge. HOW TO USE THIS CARD: All Star reminds us that we are unique individuals as well as being
HARMONY XIX DRACO ESTRELLA SONG OF LOVE “SUPER STAR” ENERGY CLEARING SPECIALTY: Purposeful Communication. Sound. Articulation. HOW TO USE THIS CARD: Super Star encourages us to sing at the top of our voice, delivering our
UNFETTERED XVIII DRACO ESTRELLA HATHOR CORDE APERTIO “FALLING STAR” Purchase Energy Correcting Card Here To purchase high resolution prints on fine art paper or canvas go to: ENERGY CLEARING SPECIALTY: Unconditional Love. Self
COURAGE XVII DRACO ESTRELLA VIVERE ILLUSIO “BATTLE STAR” WILL HATCH SOON! ENERGY CORRECTING SPECIALTY: Inner Child. Adaptability. Worry. HOW TO USE THIS CARD: Battle Star is associated with fire, the color yellow, and the tetrahedron,
MANIFESTOR XVI DRACO ESTRELLA ANIMA SCINTILLAE “EARTH STAR” Purchase Energy Correcting Card Here To purchase high resolution prints on fine art paper or canvas go to: ENERGY CLEARING SPECIALTY: Prosperity. Wealth. Creative Solutions.
ATTITUDE XV DRACO ESTRELLA NIHIL EST ANIMIS EXTREME “SHOOTING STAR” Purchase Energy Correcting Card Here To purchase high resolution prints on fine art paper or canvas go to: ENERGY CLEARING SPECIALTY: Survival. Good