Energetic Swell
  • DRAGONETTE AQUA NAITAKA“OGOPOGO” SHIFT YOUR ATTITUDE ON GRATITUDE! People often go weak to the word “gratitude" due to experiences of “debts of gratitude” and "forced gratitude”. Gratus means to ingratiate or please others for free. Appreciation is gratitude with understanding of worth, quality and significance of a gift or action, including its monetary value. It is challenging to explain synchronicity through cause and effect, especially the significant meaning to its manifestor, People who view synchronicity as coincidence rarely enjoy manifesting in this way because of their lack of appreciation for it. You can clear weaknesses to manifest within systems already in place, however for a more powerful form of manifestation it is necessary to let go of all limitations. Out Of “Thin Air!” grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 11 justice (redemption)

    DRAGONAIRE ANTIQUUS FEMINEUS DUELLA-TOR A ATRITAS “KALI”ACCOMPANIED BY THE FAIR-IE: “PAPILLO A FLAMMA” SWEEPING KARMIC SPACES “Kali”, the slayer of Ego, is a fierce dragon, cutting karmic ties accumulated over life times. She is accompanied by “Papillo,” Butterfly of Fire, whose razor sharp wings cut through the blackest of nights, sparking fire to light the way of unconditional love. Karma is not punishment, good or bad, positive or negative, but a matter of cause and effect from acts of transgression, causing death to other living things. Direct Karma is caused by accumulations of interactions within the world and other people. Indirect Karma is caused through associations with ancestors, descendants, cultural influences, collective consciousness, etc.. Karmic Spaces are common reasons humanity creates karma. May Your Karma Never Run Over Your Dogma! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 12 hanged man (balance)

    “IMPERFECTLY PERFECT” Dragonflies are intimately connected to dragon energy. They embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing. Viewing life from all angles, they use the power of light to escape the blows that life can deliver. These crystal rays reach out from the Great Central Sun to embrace and envelope love through the heart space. Physical sensations in your body speak to you about happenings on every other level of your existence. They can work in your favor to resolve underlying energetic issues before they become major physical issues. People are often tempted to ignore some subtle sensations because they are taught to fear them as “bad news” that they don’t want to know about. Be sensational! If you feel that you are too sensitive, don’t panic. Check first to see if you are hanging out with insensitive, repressed assholes. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life Is But A Dream! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 13 death (transition)

    DRAGON VENTI MUTATIO ACCOMPANIED BY HIS GUARDIAN ANGEL“BLUE AVIS BONUM” ”VAYU” The journey of life and death are similar. We push through the dark to reach light. If we consider death as a verb, rather than a noun, it can be considered a cycle that many refer to as rebirth. Vayu and the ”blue bird of happiness” are reaching the end of a long, arduous journey of indifference. The winds of change are upon them. Today they face the rising sun in the East\ and their hearts will finally be at peace. “The blue bird of happiness” is a widely accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, birth and rejuvenation. She represents confidence at its highest accord and the use of ego at its worst. A dead bluebird is a symbol of disillusion, loss of innocence and a swift transition to the wise. Equilibrium Between Opposing Forces Allows For Metamorphosis! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 14 temperance (devotion)

    GRAND DRAGONESS FILIAE LACUS MAGDELENA ACCOMPANIED BY SANCTE MICHAEL ARCHANGELE “LADY OF THE LAKE” Many people consider purpose to be a verb, something they must do with intention to attain an object or objective, requiring motivation and a reason or justification to exist; however, if you consider purpose to be a noun, then it is the reason for which something is designed or is created to exist. You do not have to justify your existence. The purpose of your existence is a given because you already do exist! Ave and Michael are devoted to a beautiful existence and remind you that if you whistle while you work, performing tasks (even the dirty ones) with purpose, it aligns you with your purpose. Growth Of Humanity Through Christ Consciousness. grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 15 the devil (sensuality)

    “SETTING THE TONE” Dragonflies are intimately connected to dragon energy. They embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing. Viewing life from all angles, they use the power of light to escape the blows that life can deliver. These crystal rays reach out from the Great Central Sun to embrace and envelope love through the heart space. It is easy to confuse sexuality with sensuality because most people, are not taught to give themselves total permission to enjoy both, either together and/or apart. It is not uncommon for sensuality to lead to sexuality because touch, sound, sight, taste and smell are such beautiful temptations. It is also not uncommon for sexuality to stand on its own. On The Right Side There Is A Little Bit Left! Flip the FEEL Switch On! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 16 the tower (divorce)

    DRAGONETTE O VULCAO DE DESESPERO “THE END OF LOVE” Captured as an infant, The Lady Of The Lake remains a victim of a deviously crafted plan executed by Dark Forces of Destruction. To this day Ave’s burning rage stokes the flames of despair in Plato’s Cave of Allegory. When we part ways with people, situations and physical things we have had a close union with, it is often challenging and dramatic. Many people consider divorce from a spouse as the most serious separation, however severing ties from spirit, is the ultimate conflict. The Worst Divorce Is From Source! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 17 the star (innocence)

    DRAGONESS INCIPIT VITA NOVA STARET “PEARL OF WIZDOM”ACCOMPANIED BY HER GUARDIAN ANGEL “RISHKA” DREAMS DO COME TRUE! Dragoness Incipit vita Nova Staret, Keeper of the White Swan Song of Absolute Truth is the first descendent of Grand Dragoness Ahnje Ecstascia, symbolized by the Pearl of Wizdom she cradles close to her maternal heart. “Rishka” wraps Pearl in a loving blanket of protection, soothing babies and parents alike with the lullaby of OM. Innocence is often confused with naivety. If a person becomes neutral they can remain innocent and still make strong choices with an open heart, regardless of unfairness in life. People often feel regret when they realize they were not as smart as they thought they were. Once you realize embarrassment is a small price to pay for knowledge, especially when the embarrassment is others and does not belong to you. Even When Life Isn’t Fair, You Can Be! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • DRAGONESS ESPECTROS GRATIS Y FACIL “CALL TO DANCE” ACCOMPANIED BY THE FAIR-IE “REINA GITANO D’ LA DANZA” IF YOU WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE A GODDESS, ACT LIKE ONE. The vast majority of humanity is easily triggered by thoughts of losing personal freedom. Freedom is not a state of mind. Freedom is not a given. History is rampant with collective experiences of brutality, slavery, confinement, taxation, confiscation of property and many other inventive forms of torture. Discipline and freedom soar together with wreck-less abandon, secure in a strong preparation and planning in place. Ready to answer the call at a moment’s notice! Follow your bliss with joy and wreck-less abandon! Feel free to take action from your heart! Declutter Your Physical Environment. Declutter Your Mind. grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 19 the sun (ra)

    LIFE FORCE ENERGY UNLEASHED… Ra is channeled source energy from the center of the Great Central Sun. This high voltage painting is pure potential. Ra’s sunny smile blesses any project. Remember! Ra DOES NOT choose or judge what excites YOU! You have choice, so make sure that the direction you are taking resonates with your authentic desires. Ra! Ra! Ra! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).

It’s as Easy As 1,2,3!

1. Choose Your Option For Size
2. Choose Your Option For Black Or Mirrored Wrap
3. Input Your Address For Price Of Shipping at Checkout
If you have questions regarding paintings or issues with placing your order
for your reproductions from our gallery, email us at
[email protected]
We will do our best to assist you as soon as possible

Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful ‘gallery wrap’ canvas art work ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored. Prices include packaging.

Commissioned Paintings…

When my daughters were still babies, we were living in the tiny village of Minton, Saskatchewan when I began a small business, ‘Goose Prints’ selling commissioned paintings to the locals and my friends and family. I really enjoyed capturing the essence of their pets, horses and babies in particular.

I continued these paintings after moving to Milestone, Saskatchewan, attending art shows in the surrounding communities until we moved to Regina, Saskatchewan and my business, Bad To The Bone Dog Boutique, the demands of looking after several revenue properties, my children and my dad when he became ill, just didn’t allow time to continue with paintings. Then, in 2007 I was inspired to begin a series of sixty-four paintings for the oracle, Tails From The Vector, a project that I completed thirteen years later in 2020.

Over the years I have had many requests for commissioned paintings and am happy to say that I now have (some) time and the desire to capture these precious moments in these works of art again! Now, with the magic of the internet, e-mails, etc, unavailable at that time, it is so easy to access clear photos in natural light and even short action videos to capture the essence of the subjects in my portraits.

At that time, most of my paintings were watercolor, but now I prefer the medium of acrylic paint on canvas, partly because there is no need for framing and once complete, they are sent to you ‘ready to hang’, sprayed with a protective UV coating.

I am limiting these portraits to one size, 12”x 12” to facilitate their completion in a timely fashion, depending on my schedule when your order is placed.

The video below is from early 1990’s-2002. These images are photos of photos taken back then, so are not 100% clear, but allow you to see if you resonate with my portraits…

Order Your Commissioned Portrait!

Acrylic paintings are 12”x 12” on premium stretched canvas, arriving ready to hang and with a protective matte UV coating Pricing is in Canadian dollars and includes packaging.

Send an email to [email protected] SUBJECT: PORTRAIT with attached photo and/or short video with time frame if you want an ‘action portrait’ and a paragraph telling me why this is your favourite photo of your furry friend, baby. Feel free to include images of their favourite toy, etc. as well as any preference for background color. My goal is to complete your painting within two to three weeks but will depend upon my schedule and previous orders for commissions at the time. Input Your Information and Address For Price Of Shipping at Checkout


A poster with the words " truth is funny."
Purchase here

THE TRUTH IS FUNNY shift happens…


If you dare to think outside of the box, you may shift out of limiting beliefs and expectations!

Many people who shift out of limiting beliefs break into peals of laughter as they recognize how they participated in what may be a giant cosmic joke…

The truth is funny!

Often stranger than fiction.



If you prefer the status quo and you are not interested in improving every aspect of your life, this book will trigger the shift out of you!

See here



In my contribution to this collaboration I share my tale of how my dad’s illness inspired me to investigate better ways to care for people, introducing me to remote healing. It was only fitting that my dad, Maurice Joseph LePage was the catalyst! He was an entrepreneur by nature and somewhat impatient. He used to say “Shift! Or get off the pot!” (something like that) …

At the age of sixty-eight, he collapsed at home, and within thirty-six hours was paralyzed from head to toe, unable to even breathe on his own. Upon admission to the hospital, he was kept overnight for observation. The next afternoon, my uncle found him blue and unresponsive in his room. He was resuscitated and taken to intensive care where the diagnosis eventually came back as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, that incidentally can be a side-effect of the flu shot.

My dad used to joke that the Guillain-Barré diet was the only diet that had ever worked for him. He lost over a hundred pounds as he worked to regain his ability to breathe, walk, talk and eat again…

(Available for purchase on Amazon)

Book Reviews

A book cover with a stack of rocks on top.


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