Energetic Swell
  • 09 the hermit (safe travels)

    DRAGON PHAISHK ISAYESKA STARET SKA “THE JOURNEYMAN” ACCOMPANIED BY ANGEL “ASTRELLA” AURORA BOREALIS. Phaishk and “Astrella” shed light on the most scary of events, illuminating your path to give you the freedom to fly. They are masters of the seven layers of subtle bodies surrounding the physical body, which many refer to as the aura. Their brilliance is that of the aurora borealis glowing in the background of this painting, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The journeyman shifts fears of travel in ALL of life’s journeys, both physical and non-physical by fearlessly guiding you to pursue new paths and experiences that raise the value of your experience to be the best you can be. Not All Who Wander Are Lost! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 08 strength (integrity)

    DRAGON DIVINUS CURATOR PRO DOMUS DAVID “CECIL” NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF WILLFUL IGNORANCE Our enemies lie within weak thoughts, not only about our own, and others integrity of character, but also of structure in the physical body, underlying structures on earth, fundamental basic structures of morality, financial structures, structures for educational advancements, etc. as ambassadors for all that is on earth and for future earth A true leader leads from the back, utilizing everyones’ skills and abilities. The strongest set the pace at the front of the pack to protect the sick, dying, compromised, very old and very young, In the middle, those with average ability are flanked by the second strongest who protect from the rear, driven by the leader steering their plans into motion. Let Me Be The Person My Dog Thinks I Am! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • ViICTORY! KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL! The Chariot represents the power of spin applied to Yin /Yang principles. This Energetic Upgrade is in motion. A torus of radiant, healing energy, spiralling and spinning into control. In this case, one plus one does not equal two. It equals infinite potential. The third space of infinite potential, represents life force energy and the power of creation. Your feminine and masculine qualities are reflected back to you through your most intimate partners. It is likely when you feel conflict with your partner it is originating from conflict within your self. Great Balls Of Fire! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 06 lovers (adoration)

    TWIN FLAMES! Crystal Rays from the Great Central Sun appear as dragonflies on the 3D plane. Intimately connected to dragons, they embrace and envelope love through the cosmic heart and embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing. The eighth chakra, or Universal Heart, unlocks higher trans-personal awareness to express individual heart, mind and will by accessing the higher octaves of your soul’s awareness. For twin flames to unite successfully, it is necessary for both lovers to be balanced and integrated in their masculine and feminine qualities, earned and learned through experience. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • TEMPLE OF THE SOUL Crystal Rays from the Great Central Sun appear as dragonflies on the 3D plane. Intimately connected to dragons, they embrace and envelope love through the cosmic heart and embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing. You are a conscious being traveling in a human body. Your soul communicates its experience of life through your body, seeking to be received with love and compassion to live a good life. Listening to the whispers of the soul nurtures a better understanding of self. Homeostasis is the ability and tendency of organisms or cells to maintain and return to equilibrium. My Soul Is Home! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 04 the emperor (performance)

    DRAGON SANGUINEISARN STARET “DIAMOND CUTTER” The most formidable participant in the dragon mating ritual was a blood red dragon, Sanguineisarn Staret, whose powerful constitution and legendary feats of courage are recounted by humans and dragons alike. His descendants, through an exclusive strand in DNA, benefit from the inherent advantage of his bloodline. He understands performance! The average person uses, at best, four to five percent of his or her potential. When you are aware and tap into just a little more of your potential (1%) you can easily become a stronger version of yourself to excel at anything. Let’s Not Beat Around The Bush! Orgasmic Ecstasy Flowing From Soul to Soul! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 03 the empress (the generator)

    GRAND DRAGONESS AHNJE ECSTASCIA “CRYSTAL QUEEN” Ahnje resides in a spectacular palace tucked among deep-frozen valleys in the Patagonian Mountains. The “Cradle of Storms” births furious cyclones as precipitation from the Pacific Ocean collides with the unique geographic location. The summit Cerro Torre is considered one of the most difficult peaks to climb in the world. It has a tragic list of those who have perished on its slippery slopes. Others remain unaware of how narrowly they escaped, the terrain’s primary hazard; the wrath of Ahnje, should they have happened upon the portal she so fiercely protects. Adored for eons of laying eggs to hatch as crystal veins throughout earth as part of a stabilizing grid, Ahnje is comfortable sitting In the infinite flow of source. She effortlessly produces and patiently waits for the sands of time to polish her pearl to perfection. It’s Crystal Clear! Go With The Flow! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 02 the high priestess (joy)

    THE HEART OF ISIS Crystal Rays from the Great Central Sun appear as dragonflies on the 3D plane. Intimately connected to dragons, they embrace and envelope love through the cosmic heart and embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing. The true mother of the Egyptian royal bloodline is the Goddess Isis. All of Egyptian civilization was born of her womb. Patron saint of women, mothers, children and fertility, she is often depicted a nursing her son, Horus. Joy is the ultimate blissful expression of all that is. This activation stimulates the process of pursuing authentic desires that come from the cosmic heart. La, De, Da, Da De. La, De, Da, De, Da… grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • STIRRING THE WATERS OF BLISSFUL BEGINNINGS. Crystal Rays from the Great Central Sun appear as dragonflies on the 3D plane. Intimately connected to dragons, they embrace and envelope love through the cosmic heart and embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing. An energetic upgrade occurs in that split second when you give yourself total permission to operate beyond 100% potential and flip that switch. This activates coherence of your CNS, plugged into the authentic desires held in your heart. This energy is strong! On The Right Side There Is A Little Bit Left! Flip The Think Switch Off! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
  • 00 fool-ish (expectation)

    DRAGONETTE INSICITE VITARE CHARYBDIM “CHARYBDIS”AND FATA MORGANA (ALIAS MORGAN LA FAY) WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VIEW! LOOK AGAIN! The twins, Scylla and Charybdis, appear as mirror images of dark and light. Charybdis resides underneath Mt. Etna, one of the most eruptive volcanoes in the world, located off the coast of Sicily. Scylla rules a rocky shoal, located on the Strait of Messina earning her a reputation as a fierce six-headed sea monster. Together, they are an inescapable sea hazard for unaware sailors. Are you caught between opposing forces? Or wondering, “What the E.F. happened? If you are, it is likely that External Forces are having their way with you! Once you’re neutral to the “worst case ” and “best case” scenario you instantly become neutral to all that is held in the gap, in-between. Caught Be-Tween A Rock And A Hard Place? Let Go Of The Rope! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).

It’s as Easy As 1,2,3!

1. Choose Your Option For Size
2. Choose Your Option For Black Or Mirrored Wrap
3. Input Your Address For Price Of Shipping at Checkout
If you have questions regarding paintings or issues with placing your order
for your reproductions from our gallery, email us at
[email protected]
We will do our best to assist you as soon as possible

Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful ‘gallery wrap’ canvas art work ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored. Prices include packaging.

Commissioned Paintings…

When my daughters were still babies, we were living in the tiny village of Minton, Saskatchewan when I began a small business, ‘Goose Prints’ selling commissioned paintings to the locals and my friends and family. I really enjoyed capturing the essence of their pets, horses and babies in particular.

I continued these paintings after moving to Milestone, Saskatchewan, attending art shows in the surrounding communities until we moved to Regina, Saskatchewan and my business, Bad To The Bone Dog Boutique, the demands of looking after several revenue properties, my children and my dad when he became ill, just didn’t allow time to continue with paintings. Then, in 2007 I was inspired to begin a series of sixty-four paintings for the oracle, Tails From The Vector, a project that I completed thirteen years later in 2020.

Over the years I have had many requests for commissioned paintings and am happy to say that I now have (some) time and the desire to capture these precious moments in these works of art again! Now, with the magic of the internet, e-mails, etc, unavailable at that time, it is so easy to access clear photos in natural light and even short action videos to capture the essence of the subjects in my portraits.

At that time, most of my paintings were watercolor, but now I prefer the medium of acrylic paint on canvas, partly because there is no need for framing and once complete, they are sent to you ‘ready to hang’, sprayed with a protective UV coating.

I am limiting these portraits to one size, 12”x 12” to facilitate their completion in a timely fashion, depending on my schedule when your order is placed.

The video below is from early 1990’s-2002. These images are photos of photos taken back then, so are not 100% clear, but allow you to see if you resonate with my portraits…

Order Your Commissioned Portrait!

Acrylic paintings are 12”x 12” on premium stretched canvas, arriving ready to hang and with a protective matte UV coating Pricing is in Canadian dollars and includes packaging.

Send an email to [email protected] SUBJECT: PORTRAIT with attached photo and/or short video with time frame if you want an ‘action portrait’ and a paragraph telling me why this is your favourite photo of your furry friend, baby. Feel free to include images of their favourite toy, etc. as well as any preference for background color. My goal is to complete your painting within two to three weeks but will depend upon my schedule and previous orders for commissions at the time. Input Your Information and Address For Price Of Shipping at Checkout


A poster with the words " truth is funny."
Purchase here

THE TRUTH IS FUNNY shift happens…


If you dare to think outside of the box, you may shift out of limiting beliefs and expectations!

Many people who shift out of limiting beliefs break into peals of laughter as they recognize how they participated in what may be a giant cosmic joke…

The truth is funny!

Often stranger than fiction.



If you prefer the status quo and you are not interested in improving every aspect of your life, this book will trigger the shift out of you!

See here



In my contribution to this collaboration I share my tale of how my dad’s illness inspired me to investigate better ways to care for people, introducing me to remote healing. It was only fitting that my dad, Maurice Joseph LePage was the catalyst! He was an entrepreneur by nature and somewhat impatient. He used to say “Shift! Or get off the pot!” (something like that) …

At the age of sixty-eight, he collapsed at home, and within thirty-six hours was paralyzed from head to toe, unable to even breathe on his own. Upon admission to the hospital, he was kept overnight for observation. The next afternoon, my uncle found him blue and unresponsive in his room. He was resuscitated and taken to intensive care where the diagnosis eventually came back as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, that incidentally can be a side-effect of the flu shot.

My dad used to joke that the Guillain-Barré diet was the only diet that had ever worked for him. He lost over a hundred pounds as he worked to regain his ability to breathe, walk, talk and eat again…

(Available for purchase on Amazon)

Book Reviews

A book cover with a stack of rocks on top.


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