Project Description



Dragonflies are intimately connected to dragon energy. They embody the power of flight and mastery of life on the wing.

Viewing life from all angles, they use the power of light to escape the blows that life can deliver. These crystal rays reach out from the Great Central Sun to embrace and envelope love through the heart space.


Money/Spirituality. Physical Environment. Experience.


There are twelve main aspects to life that people are here on earth to experience but many people equate success with financial earning potential, social position, education, etc. while ignoring the finer aspects of life that are often hidden or perceived as “less important.”  If you consider each aspect of life as a person traveling on a boat on rough waters, even when the majority of the people sitting on the boat are operating at full potential, when just a few of the others’ performance is weak or non-existent, eventually the boat will become unstable and everyone traveling on it is at the mercy of the rapids. It is normal to have ups and downs in different aspects of life and highly unlikely that every aspect is in perfect balance twenty-four  hours a day, seven days a week. However, when the aspects of life are generally in balance you are more likely to enjoy the freedom to” have it all!” Extremes are easy! Use this card when you are challenged in your strive for balance.

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life Is But A Dream!