• 47 disruption

    “FUN TO SEE!” The “Dirty D’s” are tactics outlined in papers, calculated by the “government” to destroy people’s reputations, influence the media, and manipulate the population. Edward Snowden, a former employee/contractor of the CIA and NSA. has relocated to Russia after leaking thousands of classified documents outlining NSA global surveillance programs in cooperation with several countries, businesses and governments. Creating the magical event of Christmas, pursuing career goals, raising brilliant children and looking great while doing it, is hard work! For dessert, we are served “Single Awareness Day,” better known as Valentine’s Day! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, big business remain totally unemotional as they tug on the public’s heartstrings to rake in the big dough! Disruption is a common tactic used to purposefully prevent a system, process or event to proceed as usual by creating a disturbance. Most people who indulge in the fantasy of the “holiday season” underestimate the degree to which it diverts them from their goals. What Is Fun For Some, Is Not Fun For Everyone! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 48 attachment

    “CHARLOTTE’S WEB” Attachment is the master karma with all the others rolled into one. Everything changes and loss comes to all of us, but the more we hold on to the loss, the greater the pain of that loss. Letting go of attachment leaves you free to love and free to live. When praise or blame have power over you, it means you are giving in to attachment. Are you attached to the tale you have been spinning? What thoughts are you catching in your web? Are you ready to spin a new web, even more beautiful than the last? Clinging to the small ego and its dramas is an attachment to emotion. Deep-rooted emotional habits are the building blocks of karma. Confusing love and personal power with attachments leads to issues with possessions, especially of significant others. Children and lovers are not possessions. They are loaned to us to love. What’s Yours Is Mine & What’s Mine is Mine! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 49 abuse of power

    “RAPE, PILLAGE, PLUNDER” In the beginning, anti-depressants were hailed as a temporary respite allowing a person to regroup and make life style changes to improve their situation. They are now subscribed at an alarming rate, to “Sheep-le” masking “symptoms” caused by the many life style compromises required to satisfy society’s expectations. People would often choose different lifestyles if it were not necessary to support their families that are struggling to make ends meet. Everyone suffers if you lower your vibration and compromise your values. Once you recognize you are being abused or you are an abuser, if you continue to support it with silence or your actions, you become the abuser as well as the victim. Life’s Only A Bitch If You Are! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 50 ego

    “INITIATION” Initiation is often regarded as having passed a test to get to the next level. In shamanic circles, initiates, with the aid of plant medicine and specific diets confront their deepest fears to let go of weak patterns and habitual fears. Inspiring spiritual growth Bats represent death of ego.It can be uncomfortable and frightening when people let go of old stories. Many experience deep sentimental sadness as they let go of their story, even if it is a real shifty one, and the “friend” they are letting go of turned out to be not so friendly; like that one that “accidently” slept with your husband, but chill out! only that one time!. Bats sleep by day and fearlessly fly at night guided by sound to navigate the deepest, darkest caves.Most people are blind as a bat to the hell they cause themselves through the infectious dis-ease of complaining, instead of taking initiative for strong change. Like A Bat Out Of Hell! (keep your ego in check) grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 51 intent

    “ELLA’S ENCHANTING GARDEN” Pets’ problems usually stem from associations with their people and animals in the pets’ environment. The memories of mental, emotional and psychological traumas can be triggered instantly by smells, sounds, physical sensations and events, causing the animal to panic. Due to shorter life spans, animals often have numerous psychic attachments to alive and dead bodies, mismatched body parts, and multiple personalities that merge into their present lives. Past life memories also cause seemingly unexplainable behaviors. Dogs in particular are loyal and dutifully take on their owners’ issues, whereas cats only take on problems when and if they feel like it. Most have good intentions when they add a pet to the family, yet many pets end up in shelters, are bred in puppy mills, lost, abused, hungry, etc. sometimes due to circumstances beyond the owner’s control but often because of irresponsible choices out of alignment with a pet’s best interests. On the other end is the owner who clings to a pet when it would kinder to let them go. The answer is somewhere between these two extremes. The RoadTo Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 52 anger

    “THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING” Anger is passed from generation to generation, awakening feelings of shame and unworthiness learned in childhood. Combined emotions of anger and shame can cause reverse perception, where the slightest criticism leads to feelings of unworthiness, a need to constantly apologize and place people in “attack mode” in an effort to avoid being attacked. Children and animals often bear the brunt of suppressed anger between adults when they “let off steam.” As anger accumulates, it builds into rage and literally makes people’s “blood boil” this can cause many health problems such as high blood pressure, arthritis and cancer to run in families. Others use religious beliefs, war and prejudice, to justify anger and need for revenge. Righteous anger is useful in certain situations where clearly, the Golden Rule, “Do onto others as you would have done on to you,” isn’t being implemented or those implementing it have lower standards than yours. Heir Trigger Temper! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 53 the need to be right

    “MAKING MOUNTAINS OUT OF MOLE-HILLS” When people have self-judgment, it tends to lead to the need to be right because they think being wrong confirms their limitations and unworthiness. People forced to defend themselves as children may grow into defensive adults out of habit. If a person is committed to “having the last word” and promoting only their point of view, it leads to conflicts in intimate relationships, career, friendships, etc. The need to be right can be a very lonely place, loneliest of all, Placing exaggerated importance on mental clarity becomes an enemy of love because the mind will do its best to convince you that love is not real. Attachment to being right can take precedence over love itself, inevitably leading to bigotry and intolerance. Desire to be right mixed with religion is a powerful cocktail that historically has led people to do terrible things to each other. True religion is the religion of kindness. Keep this in mind when you know you are right and everyone else is wrong! Do You Have To Be Right, To Be Happy? grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 54 pride

    “PURR-SWAY-SION” People who try to be everything to everyone alternate between arrogance and unworthiness. They appear confident, but fear people will discover they are unworthy of love. Consequently, they become more arrogant to avoid rejection. There is a fine line between vanity and pride. Vanity causes actions geared to impress others and build self-image based on ego. It is challenging to understand how killing and mounting the head of an endangered species as magnificent as Cecil the lion, could be considered impressive, but apparently in some circles it is. Ironically, Cecil, studied by scientists at Oxford University to better understand how to save his species was lured outside of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe and killed by a “rich” dentist from the USA.. He was wearing a GPS collar so they hacked his head off in front of his pride. Cecil’s brother who understood true pride stepped up to protect Cecil’s cubs rather than annihilating them as would be customary. All Or Nothing, Hear Me Roar! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 55 lack of awareness

    “MISSED OPPORTUNITIES” Are you torn between a desire for comfort and oblivion? it is a common human condition that creates more karma! On average, ninety-five percent of actions a person takes and words they choose are re-actions to sensations stimulated by the sub-conscious and un-conscious mind. The sub-conscious forms thoughts from physical, mental and emotional conditioning up to age seven. The un-conscious mind, thoughts from all dimensions, existences, realities, realms, planes throughout the Vectors of Space-Time. Life on automatic pilot causes a lot of re-acting and re-solving of life experiences instead taking action towards resolution. People often belittle themselves and others, becoming “sheep-le” rather than people. Most people are more concerned with the negative consequences of being unaware but the true danger lies in the missed opportunities. You can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket! Never Underestimate The Power Of Willful Ignorance! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 56 jealousy

    “SIBLING RIVALRY” When jealousy rears its ugly head people are often shocked by the intensity of the experience, regardless of whether they are dishing it out or taking it in, making It is easy to dwell on losses instead of taking consistent steps of action to improve their future. This keeps people in a constant loop of lack, wanting what others have while doing their best to make others feel small as they pursue what they think they might want. It would seem no one is immune to jealousy; children, pets friends, lovers, family and co-workers. It’s even possible to be jealous when you compare yourself to who you have been in the past and who you might become in the future (once you have the perfect partner, lose that weight, etc.) Stories to fool ourselves with are as endless as the reasons we can find to be jealous. Ultimately “turning green with envy” is often connected to the power of the “greenback” and a limiting belief that “money makes the world go round.” (Torque does). I’d Rather Be Better Than Bitter! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 57 indifference

    “PIPE DREAMS” Our life can be compared to working on a jig-saw puzzle. It feels so satisfying as more and more pieces fall into place but as you draw closer to completing the puzzle, you realize there are some pieces missing. Frantically you search the floor, the table, the box, but still come up empty handed. As disappointment creeps in, you convince yourself that the time you have already put in was wasted and instantly lose interest in completing the task at hand. Humanity is feeling the missing pieces of the puzzle on the planet at this time. It is a direct effect of the indifference we feel stepping over homeless people to enter a fancy restaurant or to purchase the latest fad at a store, ignoring the suffering of a fellow human being as well as the suffering of countless animals tortured in factory farms A little bit of each of us dies inside when we turn away from service to others but the problem seems so huge it is challenging to know where to begin to fix things. for reconnection to unconditional love. We’re All In It Together, A Work In Progress! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 58 other-worldly desires

    “ANTI-CLIMAX” Many people gather material possessions and obsess over the newest toy. Others take the opposite approach by dedicating themselves to renunciation of pleasures and basic tools required for expansion to attract abundance. Some women have embraced the trend to rely on their masculine energy to operate in careers, etc. at the expense of their divine feminine energy or to even achieve orgasm when making love. Clearly a priority adjustment is in order! “O” is the symbol representing the sound of OM (GOD). It is also an automatic sound expressed in the moment of sexual orgasm. Waves of ecstasy generated in that moment between two aware people unite and reverberate, raising the vibration throughout the universe; or the opposite (as the case may be). Focusing on wealth is not a guarantee of happiness, but neither is poverty. Whether people are caught up with devoting energy to material wants, or in denial of what they want, the lower mind will constantly demand their attention and rule their lives. Total Permission For Authentic Desires. grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 59 mother’s worry

    “THE MOTHER LODE” The number one weakness for every child is a mother’s worry, yet women are taught and encouraged to worry about their children as a badge of honor instead of honoring their intuition to create a better future for every child. Every thought you have about your children has the potential to strengthen or weaken them. Many fears originate from hidden energetic weaknesses that are passed down the maternal line from our great, great grandmothers and beyond. Once these weaknesses are identified it becomes a choice to let them go for yourself, future and past generations. Mothers are often triggered when their children reach specific ages and grades by memories of their own traumas at that age. This can cause a competitive atmosphere between mothers and in particular, daughters, that has a negative influence on everyday interactions. If you cannot see a strong future for your child, who will? Magic Mirror On The Wall,I’ve Become My Mother After All! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 60 fathers figures

    “PRINCE CHARMING” Young women often confuse relationships they have with their fathers and lovers, while young boys often grow up with a skewered view of what a truly strong male influence looks like. A feeling of separation from fathers often comes along with a feeling of separation from source energy because many people are taught to view God as an authoritative male figure in the sky, just waiting for people to mess up and sin to be stricken to hell. Fathers are often triggered by their own traumas when their children reach specific ages and grades that bring up negative memories. Young girls are often raised to be “daddy’s girls” with unrealistic expectations to live “happily ever after” with Prince Charming, who like her father gives her everything she wants. On the other side of the equation many young men are taught to rule their castle with an “iron fist” to keep their family in line. These attitudes are passed down the paternal line from our great, great grandfathers and beyond. Turning Princes Into Frogs! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 61 purr-ception

    “THIS AND THAT” Your reality is formed by your perception of how the world is. If you perceive it to be a difficult place, it will prove to be difficult. If you perceive it to be full of possibilities with a “price to be paid” for every possibility, every possibility will come with a price tag. Every problem has a “story” and most of the tales we tell ourselves about the story of our lives are inaccurate accounts from the point of view of our sub-conscious and un-conscious minds. Often we will say “I want that!” and once we have “that,” we will say, “Now, I want this!” Once we have “this” quite often we decide that now we want “that.” This continual loop of wanting can be stopped with purr-ception. A cat’s purr resonates at a very high vibration, lowering stress, blood pressure and risk of heart attack. Purr-ception is your ability to be able to look on the bright side of life! If you are going through a challenging time recognize that this too, will pass and with a good attitude, soon you will be enjoying that! Sometimes The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side, Because It’s Fake! grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
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  • 62 surrender

    “PSYCHIC CLEANSE” When people hear “psychic” they often think gypsy with a crystal ball, however everyone has latent psychic ability. Most parents can relate to having a “gut” instinct that their child needs them and find out they were correct after contacting them. Another common scenario is receiving a random phone call after thinking of someone. The experience of feeling “goose bumps” and a coolness in the air is often an indication that someone from across the veil wants to connect.. Psychic skills can be perfected with training, becoming reliable tools to improve every day life. Government agencies around the world have been using psychic training to gain access to information for many reasons for many years. Everyone is capable of connecting on the psychic level to access information, but if they don’t use their insight, that information can be very confusing. It’s Cold In Here! Must Be Something In The Atmosphere! PLEASE SPECIFY EDGE. BLACK COLOR. grace your space with flare Our local talent prints your art reproduction using premium fine art canvas, printed with archival, pigmented long lasting inks. The canvas is stretched over a 1.5” deep stretcher frame, resulting in a beautiful “gallery wrap” canvas art work that is ready to hang and enjoy. The edges can be either black or mirrored ("Color” option).
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Details
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