The Celestial Lion, born of the constellation Leo, king of the animal kingdom, announced the coming of Jericho, whose good works raise the vibration for humanity in preparation for resonance with full knowledge of the light and regeneration of the Truth. He reminds us that we have a responsibility to look for accurate information and use accuracy in our words when we speak for the animals that we have been given dominion over. We have not been given license to abuse God’s creatures! Our enemies lie within our negative thoughts, not only about integrity of character but also integrity of structure or having a fundamental base in the physical world for buildings, financial planning, businesses and the physical body. This card will correct any and all situations involving integrity, yours and others. Many negative thoughts are influenced by what we witness through the media; in particular television, newspapers, etc. If you must watch television tape this card to a corner of the screen to remind you that the information you view can be highly inaccurate and rarely is uplifting. This also applies to all forms of media.