Falling Star repairs imbalances in the physical and non-physical heart center that cause a lack of ability to give and receive as an expression of pure love and joy. Many people who accept a gift question the motives of the giver, and others who give from the heart have weaknesses to receiving. Excessive chatter is a by-product from the lack of connection between the throat and heart chakra because people verbally try to fill empty spaces with words and their mind. Balance between these two centers is the residual effect of letting go of old reactions that get the better of you. If you consider every experience as just that, an experience, none more significant than any other, it is easier to take the good and bad, positive and negative out of the situation.
Anahata is located at the sternum governing blood, circulation, and the thymus. It is a clearing center for unconditional love and the mediator of the three upper chakras and lower chakras supporting your physical heart and your body to work with efficiency and less effort. Place this card over your heart with a pink or green crystal or mineral to align yourself with loving encounters.
The Difference Between Falling In And Failing In Love, Is A Matter Of I!